Sunday, 28 September 2014
Raspberry Ketone
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Dear World and Human Race
Please Be Very Aware
99 Percent of you are in contempt of Human Rights Issues and Socially Require Imprisonment or Subsequent Fines ::: Regardless of Social Acceptance, Your Views or Your Thoughts
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Monday, 15 September 2014
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Amazing Movies Recently Viewed on Netflix
There is still hope for humanity , as I watched Men of Honor and Fly boys, I realized there are men who struggled and acted like real men. MAY WE ALL FIND SO LACE IN OUR FATHERS #AMEN
Friday, 12 September 2014
Open Letter to Google
Dear Google,
We have been working together for many years now , 15 years I believe . I have provided search data , you have provided free email and website hosting and other DOD services I would never know about and cost I wouldn't be able to fathom in relation, however on a numbers only basis , what is our relative relationships quadrant .
What I am attempting to say is that I have always been kosher and above board on all my dealings and workings with you and I have been looking to make a consistent living through my blogs . I am in a place that requires a lift and a bump and without your support 4 ugh now I am not sure where I will end up or be . I do have much opportunity etc but I am looking for some up and coming mega support and this is a blog post to say thank you and show appreciation and looking for a continued partnership with your help .
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Shocker About Google
Today I was working in my blog when something really intimidating happened , Google turned off my ads . Essentially temporarily robbing me of over $100 in Kosher Revenue
The shocker is not so much that they disabled the amount in the flash of an eye (ok yes I'm shocked ) however it's the reasons:
A) Since my blog lately has been extremely versatile and has so much more valuable information than it did a year ago, I have been utilizing it extensively for updates and low and behold good ads were showing that I was legitimately interested in
Although this might seem as an issue to. Turn off service, I was cresting true value ti the end user and not driving up costs (not so smart systems after all)
B) The one that nailed it in the coffin was today's pinging on my blog , if you type ping and your website in the cmd or chrosh on my chromebook the site will get pinged, which for some reasons was counted in my blog count (makes no sense to me) and boom gone
C) One other item I didn't notice and thing ink of mown is I pinged outside search engines to check out my blog and maybe Google servers are not that we'll protected as we once hoped
All my traffic is kosher
Pinging from my home warms up your spin ups and I get really fast load times
Oh and hire me Google as an outside rep honestly how many core bugs do I have to find and amazing suggestions I make and get zero cash reward
I know the concierges and other startup groups wanted to work with me but you know the brand and you know the quality and their fear is I get full datum, but I don't need or want that datum because you already have it and have full military control so than why the issues I have no idea.
In a nutshell, if Gmail is https , so should be blogger, Google should feel more comfortable allowing more revenue share and utilizing it's own advertising resources to push blogger and other services because face it other than maps, the FCC is unable to handle or even attempt anti trust after your stock split
In a nutshell , come out of the closet Google, we all like you as our bigger brother, oh and find another way to get freaks and geeks and nerds like me to speak freely on their blogs without having to worry about pushing for revenues
Monday, 8 September 2014
I Love You World, Thank You
Little Giants Theatrical Trailer HQ]: The Hopes and Dreams of a Nation in One Movie
Sunday, 7 September 2014
New Template Let Me.Know What You Think
Human Rights Human Love Human Affection: QUOTE OF THE DAY: It's not the will to win that m...
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Friday, 5 September 2014
Business is controlled by Governments
I had a thrilling business and it.was."torn from me" because it's true value would change and break markets (however not because it's a unique system and would just change the way things are looked at for unique nuclear ckmpanies) All the beat
What is a retainer and why it works so well for me
Blocks of services
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Starbucks the Greatest company Corporation in the World
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Let's Have Free a telecom In Canada and Stop Hurting the Mentally Challenged
The Reason Ai Believe Crazy People
THEY Really Do Steal from People and Then Put them in the hospital, My music went all over the radio and then they didn't even admit that it's mine what is going great on where is my money
Why am I it ring offered protection
I'm being targeted for protecting Canadian Interests
Government of Canada, Please protect me please help me I'm drowning from my own groups and I'm awesome here
Why am I it ring offered protection
I'm being targeted for protecting Canadian Interests
Government of Canada, Please protect me please help me I'm drowning from my own groups and I'm awesome here
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
News, Views and Always Updated New Things: These Are the NFL's 7 Social Branding MVPs
News, Views and Always Updated New Things: Awesome Free and Latest Iphone Apps!!!
Monday, 1 September 2014
Sustainability through belief #endtorture #educate #brinbackthe1920s
On the one hand I'm targeted between Good and Evil so I get merculated from achieving my potential, on the other hand both side provide survival of some sort
On the one hand I'm targeted between Good and Evil so I get merculated from achieving my potential, on the other hand both side provide survival of some sort
The Only Important Things in Life
Family, Good Food, Survival, Love and Affection
To all those who have ever bullied someone, You are the cause and root of all evil in the world #GetTherapy #EndtheStigma #Peacefull World
Where are you when you are needed it's been so many years how much more suffering will you bring to this world
You have all the power in the world and are the one who created us all why do you continue to make a world like this when there r is no reason or want for pain or suffering I have traveled this earth and I have found your ways and I don't agree with them , again you have all the power and the money and the value why do you continue the pain for those that were born into it
Life Savers
About Me
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Blog Archive
- Nice
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- Raspberry Ketone
- We're looking for one amazing individual.
- Good man lol
- Nice
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- Bullying is Not a Thing
- Dear World and Human Race
- Stawp
- Paid Retail Therapy Searches for All
- Healthy Wordpress Retail Therapy
- News, Views and Always Updated New Things: Donate
- 0 TO 100 Freestyle Rockstar JAH by Rockstar Jah
- Amazing
- Amazing Movies Recently Viewed on Netflix
- Open Letter to Google
- Nice
- America
- Shocker About Google
- Wow amazing
- Music a
- Marry Me Hawaiian Goddess
- Cool
- We Happy Must Be Happy
- No no
- I Love You World, Thank You
- Salute!
- New Template Let Me.Know What You Think
- Did you try
- Cool
- Proof Prayer Works
- Hey Snoop Yo Mama Was Left
- Will You Cry and Pray Along with Me?
- If I only had a crewwww
- Human Rights Human Love Human Affection: Ted Talk ...
- Human Rights Human Love Human Affection: QUOTE OF ...
- Supa Cute
- Yes
- So True
- Human Hidden SEO Magic
- Stop making life shifty for those who don't deserv...
- Led Zeppelin Immigrant
- Business is controlled by Governments
- What is a retainer and why it works so well for me
- Anna Banana
- Starbucks the Greatest company Corporation in the ...
- Strengtg
- Ye
- Let's Have Free a telecom In Canada and Stop Hurti...
- Driving Around Telly with Google Glass
- Good Eye
- Therapy , It's All that Matters
- The Reason Ai Believe Crazy People
- Why am I it ring offered protection
- Why am I it ring offered protection
- Like Minded Individuals
- No title
- News, Views and Always Updated New Things: These A...
- Donate Your Used Electronics to Me :-)
- News, Views and Always Updated New Things: Awesome...
- NexentaStor | Nexenta
- Sustainability through belief #endtorture #educate...
- On the one hand I'm targeted between Good and Evil...
- Where are you when you are needed it's been so man...
- Damage to Vehicle 2000 and Evidence of Culprit
- There is always a better way to Love :)
- It's not ok to bring your roaches with you its ver...