Wednesday 18 May 2016

Fwd: My son needs this GST rebate as much as someone in a wheelchair

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From: Susan D. via <>
Date: Wed, May 18, 2016 at 4:23 PM
Subject: My son needs this GST rebate as much as someone in a wheelchair
Trending petition

Phil – There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it.

Cette pétition prend de l'ampleur sur, souhaitez-vous la signer? Elle demande que le crédit d'impôt canadien, offert aux familles pour modifier leur automobile pour faciliter le transport d'individus "en fauteuil roulant", soit modifié pour couvrir les familles dont un(e) membre a besoin d'un véhicule adapté même si leur handicap ne les confine pas à un fauteuil roulant.

Petitioning Leader, Liberal Party of Canada/Chef, Parti libéral du Canada Justin Trudeau

All vehicles that have to be modified for disability access should get GST rebate

Petition by Susan Dixon
Cambridge, Ontario

I am a single mum in Cambridge with 2 young boys, including a 9-year-old with cerebral palsy.  He weighs over 90 lbs., and can't get into or out of a vehicle without an assistive device (and I can't lift him!).

I work hard to make ends meet, so I was really relieved when I learned that the federal government offers a GST rebate (B-086 -- Rebate for specially-equipped vehicles for persons with disabilities). But when I applied, we got turned down.

Why? Because the rebate only applies to vehicles transporting an "individual using a wheelchair". Even though my son doesn't specifically use a wheelchair (he mainly uses a walker), he still has a disability and we still need this special equipment. This seems so unfair!

When I bought a van, I had no choice but to get it fitted with special equipment so he could get in and out - a "valet chair" that lowers down so he can get on it, then it lifts him back up and into the van and turns so that the seat is facing the proper way. Without it, I'd have to try and lift him myself, which is already impossible...and he's only getting bigger!

This tax rebate is meant to help people dealing with disabilities who have no choice but to buy expensive equipment in order to use a vehicle like everyone else. In other words, it's meant to help people like me and my son, and thousands of other Canadians like us for whom reduced mobility is a daily fact of life.

I believe this tax rebate is well-intentioned and that if we can get their attention, the government would be open to making it more inclusive for all disabled people who need special equipment to do something as "normal" as going for a ride.

Please sign and share this petition to help my son and countless other Canadian families who are in the same situation as us.

Thank you for your help,

Susan Dixon

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