Monday, 10 July 2017

Fwd: When tourists spend money - stocks soar...

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From: Michael Robinson <>
Date: Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 10:11 PM
Subject: When tourists spend money - stocks soar...

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Strategic Tech Investor
July 8, 2017

Dear Strategic Tech Investor,

We're about a week into the second half of the year - and also about a week into full cannabis legalization for all adults in Nevada, medical and recreational.

Initial reports indicate that legal weed raked in more than $3 million in sales and at least $500,000 in tax revenue. Plus, hundreds of new jobs went "live."

This all happened with hardly a hitch - the boogeymen that pot opponents warned of - underage buyers at dispensaries, a spike in violent crime, etc. - failed to show up.

It would be hard for even the most stubborn opponents to suggest Nevada's legalized cannabis program is off to anything by a flying start.

BREAKING: The Fourth Industrial Revolution Has Begun

And that's with just Nevada's already-licensed medical marijuana dispensaries selling. Many new applicants who weren't licensed under the state's medical program are still waiting for a green light from regulators.

Just a week in, Nevada's going live with legalized recreational cannabis is one of the biggest catalysts for cannabis stocks since Election Day 2016 (Nov. 8), when eight states - including Nevada - voted in favor of marijuana legalization or expansion.

Nevada can now boast of the fastest ever turnaround from voter referendum to legalized use on the streets - just eight months.

And it just might be able to boast of being the largest state cannabis market in the country - albeit temporarily (California will swamp it and all other contenders once recreational weed goes legal early in 2018).

According to New Frontier Data and Arcview Market Research projections, thanks to lenient laws that will allow Las Vegas and Reno visitors to buy, Nevada's 2016 market size of $121 million (all medical) could triple in the first full year of recreational legalization. And that would be a larger state market than even the likes of Colorado and Washington.

All of these reasons were among why I told my paid-up Nova-X Report subscribers last week that one stock in particular would surge in this new landscape.

I've been saying for the past year or so that, when it comes to legal cannabis, "When laws pass, stocks soar." And I could say the same for when laws go into effect - and tourists and conventioneers start spending.

As a participant in Nevada's medical marijuana program, this grower had the all-important "first-mover advantage." And with top-notch production capabilities, dispensaries have been clamoring to get on its good side.

NEW INVESTING SYSTEM: 44% Gains... Every Day

In the one week since recreational cannabis went on sale in Nevada, this company's stock is up nearly 25%. That means the firm's shares have soared 109% since I first introduced it to those Nova-X subscribers on Sept. 2 via my "bible to weed investing" - The Roadmap to Marijuana Millions.

For many, the gains they enjoyed this past week will be enough to pay for a summer vacation or to send the grandkids back to college with cash for books and meals... all while keeping some money in the stock for highly likely future gains.

Now, full legalization in Nevada is far from the last of the big "pot stock" catalysts...

I show you how to get ahold of this "bible of marijuana investing" during my FREE Pot Stock Millionaire Summit. To get in on this event, click here...

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