Monday, 5 January 2015

HIlarious Tidbit for those Running REtergeting

Ya Ya Ya, so I might not be "big" in the blogosphere, the "netverks" know about me though, but bash finds me interesting enough to not leave, rooting him out tonight. For those of you running retargeting, here is a secret Google has yet to reveal. IT SUCKS FOR ROI AND CONVERSIONS! What does that mean, its probably going to be removed as a feature altogether or forced into normalized patterns aka once twice or three times, with a skip sequence of weeks down the line. You are probably going to ask why: for one simple reason, everyone hates seeing the same ads again
I dont know how I got here, oh yeah, e-mail Ad ROI, Ghostery , Clickery and the such: Do yourself a favour, retouch and rethink your bash and retargeting algo, make sure you are in the skip sequence grouping, otherwise you are wasting your hard earned clicks on people trying to literally figure out how to put you on their DND list. Soemtimes less is more and persistence can bite your marketing dollars in the ayces.

Watch the Clip below if you need some meditation from being smacked in the head, works for me everytime, and I get smacked in the head everday byiasduf982 AHHH heklwjklapŝdofijl;kasdf

We Dont Care What He Said, Expect Us , we have achieved dominance over the best


Phil is a Fag

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